Nyt ei äitivainaa tykkäisi hyvää. Ruoalla ei leikitä.
Mutta kyllä tissinsä terveyssyistä poistanut Sara X Mills leikkii. Hän makaa tuoreessa kuvaussessiossaan jättipizzan päällä. Eikä tässä vielä kaikki. Yksi slaisseista on aseteltu taidoin pinsan päälle!
Saralle suotakoon tämä hulluttelu. Hän on tottunut räväyttämään, ja rintojen poiston jälkeen linja jatkukoon. Enää ei mennä tisseillä, nyt mennään ihan muilla avuin.
Kerrottakoon että Saran seuraajamäärä ei tippunut sen seurauksena, että hän poisti lollonsa – nuo, joilla hän tuli julkisuuteen kaksi vuotta sitten – päinvastoin, seuraajamäärä on noussut sadalla tonnilla kuuteen sataan tuhanteen Insta-seuraajaan.
Alla Saran muitakin tuoreita kuvapäivitteitä samaan hintaan. Alimmainen on jo aika pervo, eikö.
I’ve got some stuff to shoot this afternoon but in the meantime I am waiting for some of the “lines” from the clothes I was wearing earlier to go away, so I decided to post another boob/scar update photo! Removing my breast implants is still 110% the best decision I’ve ever made. I feel SO MUCH BETTER and healthier, I get harassed and objectified way less often both IRL & online, I can post all kinds of photos and not have so many comments just calling me ”sexy”… the funniest/saddest part are the people who say I’m really coming into my own and finding my voice, presumably because they never bothered before to read what I wrote ??? hahaha. There was a LOT I didn’t know about implants before getting them, or even until I was looking into removing them – one of these things is that the implants, if they’re under the muscle (which is the way to make them look the most “natural”) actually wear away at the chest wall over time. If you look closely at my right side (left in this photo) you can see I still have an implant-shaped divot in the cartilage and whatnot over my ribs. It will likely be there forever, you can only see it sometimes. I like making people uncomfortable so I often tell my friends to feel the indentation, which is now under my boob by quite some distance, and they’re always weirded out. My scars are healing fine but I’m going to @waveplasticsurgery to begin a scar care regimen this week, including Kenalog injections to prevent buildup of painful scar tissue around my incision sites. I had to have Kenalog for my scarring after I got implants, and it’s basically the worst getting injected into your scar tissue haha I’m going to be documenting the whole experience to post on YouTube so you guys can watch, learn, and laugh at me. If you have any questions about why I removed my implants or why my scars look like this (because so many people haven’t ever heard of a #mastopexy and assume my doctor just filleted my chest to remove my implants for for funsies) you can check out http://bit.do/ByeByeBoobs – I explain it all there! #explant #breastimplants #update
Kuva, jonka Sara X Mills (@saraontheinternet) julkaisi 13. 12ta 2016 klo 15.51 PST
I get a lot of questions and/or comments about dating a photographer – the truth is that 4.5 years ago when I started dating @pbclarkphoto he was in the jewelry business with an unused BFA in photography & I had been on a hiatus from modeling for three years. He didn’t take any photos of me for the first year and a half of our relationship. I got started in social media, which led to my return to modeling, in late 2013. Within my first few shoots I encountered a creep who thought that because I wanted to shoot I was going to bang him & threw a temper tantrum when I didn’t, then I encountered guys who never got photos back to me, a few who turned out later, AFTER MY WORK WAS IN THEIR PORTFOLIO, to have been accused and/or convicted of sexually assaulting models… don’t get me wrong, I’ve met some really great male photographers (***PLEASE NOTE THAT NONE OF THE PHOTOGRAPHERS I AM REFERENCING ABOVE ARE REPRESENTED ON MY SOCIAL MEDIA, ANY PHOTOGRAPHER WITH WORK ON MY SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT A CREEPY CREEP***) but I got tired of trying to weed out the bad from the good, so Patrick and I started shooting. We’ve had ups and downs for sure, and times we wanted to kill each other a little bit… it’s definitely been a learning curve for both of us getting back into it. Patrick didn’t know anything about Photoshop or Lightroom since his degree was in dark room photography, and I found myself struggling with trying to get away from shooting the style that had me pigeonholed as a “glamour tattoo” model (getting rid of my fake boobs helped so much tbh), but omg it’s so fun. We now shoot so many rad things that I am proud of and I look forward to improving more with every shoot we do. So, I think that about covers all the questions I’ve ever had about it… at least the appropriate ones. If you want to see more of the stuff we do together, you can find all of it on Patreon, including a tier with some throwback stuff that hasn’t ever been shared before and unedited versions of things I’ve had to censor for Instagrump. Link is in bio! #shamelessplug
Kuva, jonka Sara X Mills (@saraontheinternet) julkaisi 8. 12ta 2016 klo 18.36 PST