Sara riisui kaiken – ihan kaiken: Huikeat kuvat!


Nettisensaatio Sara X Mills on pukeutunut vain seitinohueen glitteriin tuoreissa alastonkuvissaan.

Hän kertoo haluavansa vielä nauttia vartalostaan tällaisenaan – ja siksi postaavansa erityisen eroottista materiaalia.

Seitsemän viikon kuluttua Sara poistattaa silikonitissinsä, sillä niistä on ollut vain harmia.

Nainen uskoo menettävänsä useita seuraajia, mutta tilalle on tullut myös naisia, jotka rohkaisevat Saraa valinnassaan.

It’s SEVEN (!!!) weeks now until my implant removal surgery and I am taking every opportunity to celebrate the body I have now before I welcome my new (old) one.  If all goes according to plan then seven weeks from right now I will be beginning fasting in preparation to go into surgery… So, in case you’re wondering about my feed being EXTRA naked lately, this is why.  I’m documenting these last weeks with the utmost love for myself, ready to welcome this big change.  It’s cool because even as I lose hundreds of followers when I talk about #explant, I have a lot more gorgeous and strong women who comment here than ever before, along with less and less “creepy” or rude comments.  I cannot express with words how excited I am to be able to share this part of my journey with you, and how humbled I am that you’ve chosen to follow me as I get ready to make such huge step for my health and wellbeing.  Thank you, really. Photo (before I censored and mirrored it) by @kentaveryphoto, go follow him! I’ll probably stop posting these glitter photos, you know, eventually.  Or not.  I’ll keep posting them until I finally get rid of the last pieces of purple glitter.  Which is to say, forever. PS – if you want to know more about why I’m getting my implants out, look for the post with the googly eyes ? #glitter #art #creative #dtla #love #lasernipples

Kuva, jonka Sara X Mills (@saraontheinternet) julkaisi